Aidnography review of Aid Worker Voices

Here  (and below) is the review of Aid Worker Voices by Tobias Denskus published in Aidnography.   “One of the many advantages of being in charge of your own blog is that formats can be adapted.  As much as this is my review of Thomas Arcaro’s Aid Worker Voices: Survey Results and Commentary, it is also a snapshot of my ongoing discussion I have had with the author prior to reading his book and discussing the current state and future potential behind the project.  In many ways, Aid Worker Voices is a hybrid: It is a work-in-progress report, a data handbook and an example of reflective writing at the intersection of academia and the aid industry.  It is also an invitation to listen to an incredible variety of aid workers and their voices expressed through a unique, comprehensive, long-term survey project.  Based on a census-style 60 question survey that just over 1000 aid … Continue reading Aidnography review of Aid Worker Voices